Following the successes of recent years, we are pleased to announce that Comarch will once again be organizing workshops in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and for the first time, in Belgium, also.

The events are part of a series of workshops that Comarch has hosted in numerous countries such as Germany, Greece, Austria, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland. Through the regional character of the workshops, Comarch is able to respond to the needs of each participant individually. In addition, customers and prospects will benefit from Comarch's know-how, without having to travel to distant locations.

Time & Location
28.09.2010    Düsseldorf
29.09.2010    Bonn
05.10.2010    Zurich
07.10.2010    Vienna
12.10.2010    Brussels
* Dates are subject to change, all changes will be notified in advance on the website.

The workshops provide a unique platform for networking and the exchange of experiences. Comarch invites its customers and all interested parties to discuss current issues within the telecommunication industry, together with its telecommunications experts. The workshops will grant you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the latest technical developments.

This year the agenda will include the following issues:

  • Present roadmaps for both OSS and BSS areas
  • Operator case studies and presentations based on real business cases
  • M2M Services – How to gain new revenue sources
  • Closing the loop in SQM - Customer-centric SQM
  • LTE rollout and configuration management
  • Cloud Service Management and Billing

Please click here to download the agenda.

Call for speakers

Are you already a customer of Comarch and would like to present the implementation of our solutions at your company? We look forward to your contribution. For further information please contact Katarzyna Gajewska.

Why should you attend?
The workshop will provide you with the opportunity to discover how to meet business challenges through cooperation with Comarch. Using real case studies you will also gain an insight into Comarch’s products and solutions in practical use. In addition, up-to-date presentations will offer you suggestions with regard to staying one step ahead of the competition through improvements to your OSS and BSS suits. 
We have an exciting speaker line-up, representing both our customers and Comarch executives.

Registration & Information
To register for the event, please click hereFor more information on the event visit the event website at You will be notified by your Account Manager. Until then, we kindly request you to contact your Account Manager with any questions, or email the event

Find out more about the Comarch workshops in 2009 at

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